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recommended books中文是什么意思

用"recommended books"造句"recommended books"怎么读"recommended books" in a sentence


  • 好书介绍
  • 书籍推介
  • 推荐图书


  • Why did a recommended book list trigger off a debate
  • Recommended books ( mostly for reference . notes will be handed out
    参考书(大多用来参考,笔记将会另外分发。 )
  • Advice , recommended books , and telephone counseling to help couples resolve difficult issues connected with divorce or even save their marriage
  • You can organise or join residencies , find recommended books and techniques , read about other members projects or develop your own , and perform your own new work on our idea stages
  • In the aspect of its content , the chinese curriculum documents give prominence to the following features : the instruction for chinese knowledge teaching is looked down upon gradually ; the instruction for the catalogue of firstly selected texts has too much content , with large information volume ; the recommended books to read outside class include ancient , modern , chinese and foreign ones , involving all kinds of the literary styles ; the catalogue of the ancient poems for recitation is to spread native culture ; selective curriculum examples are to offer reference and basis , . etc
用"recommended books"造句  
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